
New Community Edition ISO 5.9.1 available!

We're glad to announce that a new community Edition ISO has been released in order to fix some small nitpicks related with the installation process in Hyper-V and Openstack. Don't miss the opportunity to deploy it! Download from here.

SKUDONET Community Edition 5.0.1 is launched!

SKUDONET Team is proud to announce the release 5.0.1 which is mainly based on some improvements and bugfixes that shows a very stable software. Some of the more important changes have the focus on the robustness and flexibility of configurations. The details of the changes applied can be found in our timeline. Please update from…

Download Skudonet ADC Load Balancer
Community Edition

Source Code

A versatile and installable ADC system designed for diverse vendor hardware.


Installable ISO 

Load Balancing as a Service alongside an ADC orchestration toolkit.

Download Community Edition

Download Community Edition

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