In the dynamic world of technology, continuous evolution is key to success. In 2023, SKUDONET has not only stood out for its ongoing innovation but also for the impressive statistics that highlight its impact in the Application Delivery Controllers (ADC) market. In this article, we will explore some of the standout statistics that outline SKUDONET’s successful year.

Successful Migration

Over 40% of CE Users Have Upgraded to EE

The year 2023 has witnessed a significant migration within SKUDONET’s user base, with over 40% of users who originally utilized the Community Edition (CE) upgrading to the Enterprise Edition (EE). This transition underscores users’ confidence and satisfaction with the advanced features offered by SKUDONET’s enterprise version.

Robust Security

SKUDONET’s Intrusion Prevention and Detection Module

Cybersecurity is a critical priority in the digital era, and SKUDONET demonstrates its commitment to security with its Intrusion Prevention and Detection module. Statistics reveal that this module is exceptionally effective, detecting an average of 30% of the traffic received by an Internet-published service as malicious. This proactive approach to security ensures the integrity and availability of services backed by SKUDONET.

SSL Dominance

89% of Traffic Balanced by SKUDONET is Based on SSL Web Services

SSL encryption plays a crucial role in online privacy protection. SKUDONET leads the way by impressively handling 89% of balanced traffic based on SSL web services. This figure underscores organizations’ trust in SKUDONET’s ability to ensure the security and privacy of online communications.

Shifting Preferences

62% of SKUDONET Users Come From Another ADC Sector Competitor

The Application Delivery Controllers market is competitive, and user preference is clearly shifting towards SKUDONET. In 2023, 62% of SKUDONET users have migrated from other competitors in the ADC sector, highlighting the perceived superiority and trust in the solution offered by SKUDONET.

Effective Virtualization

75% of SKUDONET’s Virtual Services Run on VMware Hypervisors

Virtualization is fundamental in the modern computing era. Within SKUDONET, 75% of virtual services run on VMware hypervisors. This highlights SKUDONET’s compatibility and efficiency in virtualized environments, providing users with an optimal and flexible experience.

Exceptional Growth at the Edge

SKUDONET’s Edge Services Have Grown 20% More Than the Previous Year

Edge Computing is essential for addressing low-latency demands and processing close to the user. SKUDONET has experienced exceptional growth, with a 20% increase in Edge services compared to the previous year. This growth underscores SKUDONET’s adaptability to emerging trends and its ability to meet the changing needs of the technological landscape.

In summary, 2023 has been a standout year for SKUDONET, marked by growth, user preference, and effectiveness in application delivery. The statistics not only reveal SKUDONET’s current success but also its ability to lead and adapt in an ever-evolving technological environment. With these impressive figures, SKUDONET positions itself as a prominent player in the world of Application Delivery Controllers.


Try a fully functional Enterprise version of SKUDONET for 30 days and you will have an engineer dedicated to your project to answer your questions and help you with the initial configuration. You can also download the Community Free Open Source Balancer edition to discover the full potential it can offer you.

Thank you for being part of the SKUDONET journey – where excellence meets accessibility!