After several months of hard work of development and QA, the SKUDONET Team is glad to announce the release of the Enterprise Edition 6.2. This release includes high evolution of the software. Please check below the most important changes to this release.

New features:
[system] VPN module
[farms] let’s encrypt integration in the web GUI
[farms] HTTP headers mangling for HTTP(S) profiles
[farms] URL mangling for HTTP(S) profiles
[system] new messages for notifications
[system] configure remote syslog in UDP/TCP mode

[system] ZCLI update
[farms] SSL errors improvements for HTTP(S) farms
[farms] Personalized WAF ERROR code 403
[system] multi-listeners for HTTPS web GUI and SSH service
[system] web GUI SSL certificate modification
[routing] added a new field for comments in the routing module
[cluster] more interfaces can be monitored and members of the cluster service
[ipds] improve user experience configuration for WAF OWASP rulesets
[webgui] new GUI with latest Angular version with user experience improvements

Please note that this new release is only available for new deployments, you can try this new release via the Enterprise Evaluation Form.

Happy secure load balancing!